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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Morgan

Team Based Learning say Huhh??

Soooooo I am in Team D

One thing that still to this day manages to run a sliver of cold sweat down my back is being told that I will be placed in a group. Que scary distressing sound effect please *Dun Dun Dun*.

I believe being in a group was where some of the most harrowing and dreadful occurrences happened in my life. Nevertheless, upon the announcement that I would be placed in a group for my CASD 1205 course; inadvertently in the span of the entirety of the class I underwent the five stages of grief.

Denial - I was shocked I really could not believe what I heard in actuality I thought I heard wrong!

Anger - Oh so I did hear right...but groups suck! No, ma'am, I do not do groups and what the heck is an IRAT why why whyyyyyyy.

Bargaining - Well if I talk to the professor maybe she will realize I am not mean for groups, I am actually allergic to groups and professor I do not want to pass on my group allergies to anyone in the said group. Trust me professor group allergies is a real thing...Please.

Depression - I am going to eat a bucket of ice cream when I get home. Why? Because i hate groups. I am so nervous, they are not going to like me, are they going to be dumb slackers; they are going to think I am stupid if I answer anything incorrectly that chocolate well don't mind if I do.

Acceptance - Yeah yeah yeah whatever I guess I am stuck with this group...oh wait one of my teammates is muy caliente hubba hubba well thank you, Professor Levy. ; )

In all honest the acceptance stage of the grieving process I must admit I have not entirely allowed, but meeting with my group the two times I did help me get over the initial jitters. The first meeting with my teammates was during the definition of communications exercise, and the most recent meeting was for the group test.

The Group Test aka "The Lottery Scratch-off."

Not only did having a lottery test make for a great icebreaker in the introduction to being in a group of total strangers and one hottie; but it brought an element of fun while learning which was something unexpected for me.

The group test was an informative and productive method to come to solutions in unison which we excelled at. Yet despite all the efforts to pass the test with a 100% correct answers sadly that was not what happened, we score less than anticipated but we will be ready for the next one with a vengeance.

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